
Hi! I'm Daniel Xu, a Computer Science student at the University of Waterloo.

I'm working towards a triple-major in Computer Science, Combinatorics & Optimization, and Pure Mathematics.

I'm super passionate about computer science and theoretical mathematics, in various areas such as Quantitative Finance, Full-stack Development, Data Science, Deep Learning, and Computer Vision.

Currently, I am working as a Quant Analyst - Derivatives, Collateral, Fixed Income at HOOPP. Formerly, I was a Full-stack Developer at BlackBerry, in charge of leveraging a versatile tech stack, consisting of AEM, TypeScript, JavaScript, Java, Git, and XML/HTL/SASS.

When I'm not coding, you'll find me playing piano, playing basketball, watching K-Dramas and Anime, or hanging out with friends.

I love learning about new technologies, and building projects to bring my ideas to life.

Here's some of my work:

It was nice meeting you.
I'd love to get in touch.

Whether it be about an opportunity, a question, or simply just to say hi, feel free to send me a message.

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Created and designed by Daniel Xu, 2023.